Then the Leon HTML template is the right one for you. onButtonClick: A function that is executed when the button is clicked or tapped. [enter image description here][1]][1] When it drops down it should look like this: Right now my drop down looks like this: In my drop down ,drop down button is not highlighted in blue. tiny: Make the dropdown have a max-width of 200px small: Make the dropdown have a max-width of 300px medium: Make the dropdown have a max-width of 500px large: Make the dropdown have a max-width of 800px mega: Make the dropdown go full 100% width content: Add padding inside the dropdown … As usual, you can create the DropDown button widget declaratively using the data-dojo-type attribute. Let’s see if we can make one of these menus with CSS alone. How to create a subnavigation menu with CSS? The easiest way to create it is by using CSS rules on an HTML file. Update of October 2018 collection. From text to images, tables to forms; everything. Follows the app theme and colors. Button displays, but dropdown menu not showing. Q&A for Work. The button shows the currently selected item as well as an arrow that opens a menu for selecting another item. Dropdown Button . We have styled the dropdown button with a background-color, padding, hover effect, etc. that it is a button - and does not need any extra (like role="button") to be added to the mix. Dropdown button is a new control that I created in order to help in some development issues especially the design issues. Il design di default dei dropdown richiede l’applicazione della classe .btn-dropdown.I link o le voci all’interno del dropdown devono essere contenute in un elemento .link-list. Edit /quasar.conf.js: The .dropdown-content class holds the actual dropdown content. coverTrigger: Boolean: true: If false, the dropdown will show below the trigger. Any single .btn can be turned into a dropdown toggle with some markup changes. The HTML element itself conveys meaning - eg. onContentReady The drop down lists ... (such as radio-buttons do). Dropdowns can be triggered from or