2. Thus the table of social precedence attached to the Cochin report shows that while a Nayar can pollute a man of a higher caste only by touching him, people of the Kammalan group, including masons, blacksmiths, carpenters and workers in leather, pollute at a distance of 24 ft., toddy-drawers at 36 ft., Pulayan or Cheruman cultivators at 48 ft., while in the case of the Paraiyan (Pariahs) who eat beef the range of pollution is no less than 64 ft."In this bewildering maze of social grades and class distinctions, the Brahman, as will have been seen, continues to hold the dominant position, being respected and even worshipped by all the others.". Wind energy does not pollute the environment or deplete resources. The definition of polluted is dirty or contaminated. And now must you pollute the name of my mother, as you polluted her life? Never pollute watercourses with silage liquor, slurry, fertilizers or pesticides. They trample down the … These not only pollute the land but the run-off causes water pollution as well. Recent Examples on the Web The cartoonist boldly drew and held the line against merchandising his creation, lest commercial tie-ins pollute the purity of the creator and reader experience. Transnational oil and mining companies pollute rivers and finance grossly disruptive mines. His response was: I am comfortable and happy with my current church religion and I am not interested in, These same people are the ones who waste resources instead of practicing conservation, who don’t recycle and who drive gas guzzling, environmentally, Then what kind of a place do you think we are going to have? Heavy industry pollutes our … They infest our canyons, valleys, meadows, and forests. They were, In Kenya, Mount Kilimanjaro, on the hour became the world's largest non, These invaders would spread out until their, When he noticed that the country’s way of producing bricks was too, Then only the consumer products that can be consumed without, Remember that you are defeating the purpose of growing organically if you use a soap with, Latrines should be dug downhill of the camp and away from the water supply so that there is no possible risk of seepage. Morbid influences, in a thousand-fold variety, gather about hearths, and pollute the life of households. 1026021Tom doesn't like swimming in this river. synonyms. The people watching the show. If we are the terrorist cancerous organ of AIDS, then the least harm to Eartheart and IT is to excise the organ that is consuming, For the wicked gather like locusts, and their sin spreads forth like a swarm, devouring and. CK681756The oil spill pollutedthe bay. How do you use pollute in a sentence? What is the definition of pollute? Water quality preserved: Water quality is also preserved though organic practices because there is no chemical runoff to pollute rivers and streams. The defiant, polluted and oppressive city is condemned for failing to regard the warnings. Here are many translated example sentences containing "POLLUTE" - english-finnish translations and … Factories are no longer allowed to pollute the air with black smoke. 23. They defend companies who dump chemicals in rivers, As wonderful as they are, these same brain processes have allowed us to conceive of and create terrible engines of war, to ravage vast tracts of land, to, Their aural bodies easily interpenetrate the same space as a living human aura… and, And it is strange that, even now, when I remember it I want to feel pleased and to approve of myself for having acted honourably, but I always repent as if I had committed a sin! Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Plastic is believed to be the main contaminant in the huge garbage gyres that pollute the oceans. The pollutants may be linked to substances released 50 years ago. pollute any namespace it wasn't asked to. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. 4. Log in. Pollute quotes from YourDictionary: I always saw pollution as theft, and I always thought, 'Why should somebody be able to pollute the air, which belongs to all of us, or destroy a river or waterway, which is supposed to belong to the whole community?' belches from the chimneys to pollute the air as well as disgorging effluent into the river. A lot of pollution originates from cities in the form of factory smog and toxic waste. definitions. Four years later, the corpses were still there, and they were beginning to pollute the local groundwater. However, it is all class audience public band corporation team troop flock army pack The players celebrate their winning games with pizza and ice cream. Carcinogens are a form of pollution that harm Earth’s atmosphere. After all the inventions of war that separates the soldier from battle and protects them at all costs, we're still destroying property, These are jobs that shouldn’t have been necessary in the first place and I firmly believe that those who are responsible for the, What was his response? To pollute water, air, or land means to make it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous chemicals or sewage. How to use pollute in a sentence. But in the case of Másha, on the contrary, I am always pleased—pleased that I did not, Besides, the current system decimates the planet, it abandons most of the people, it conduces other people to make illicit acts to survive, it generates a garbage trash and it transforms our Earth in enormous garbage can, if we don’t stop with the consumerism, we will, Gold and silver we will tell them that they have from God; the diviner metal is within them, and they have therefore no need of the dross which is current among men, and ought not to, It excludes from our waters, ports, and harbors, all their vessels, public and private; it excludes from our country all their products and manufactures; and forbids our citizens to debase and degrade their country by a commercial intercourse which would stain and, In 1977 the Coast Guard was authorized to force, If a chemical company has been found guilty of, Jesus overturned the tables in the Temple! 3. Lawn care pesticides run off into groundwater and pollute the environment as pesticide particles are picked up by the wind. These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities. They are a pest and a plague. Factories may not pollute streams that furnish drinking water. But I, O gracious Poseidon, quit thy temple while I yet live; Antipater and his Macedonians have done what they could to pollute it.". English It has been interpreted as meaning that he who pays has the right to pollute. Change the air filter on a regular basis to remove trapped dirt and debris that could pollute the air of your home or workspace. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. He says it's too polluted. She is upset with me and I fear what the others may say to, The Truth should have abolished all these plagues which, Always guard the purity of your aspiring, never let your desires, Children are considered as the nearest incarnation of God because they are yet to, Too much of your concerns, doubts and self consciousness will, If they give him back this spirit untruthful they, If the drought becomes severe, dead and dying animals may even, There are some giant multi-national corporations that drill for oil or mine for rare metals and, I have even found used condoms- disgusting! Non-renewable energy sources also use and pollute water supplies, harm plant and animal life, and increase toxic waste production. Bicycling doesn't pollute the air. Raw is one of the few all-natural things in this world that does not pollute at all. Well, yes... reduce the number of cars, and try and use cars which do n't pollute. Source_VOA275644The atmosphere is … It had to be a place in the middle of a large forest away from society, and it must have a river so they would have access to water; however, they knew these places were increasingly rare, since the monsters hate nature and for centuries had engaged in burning the forests, cutting down trees without regard; For there is no conception of a future state more awful and more probable as a retribution to powerful minds who have spent their lifetime in exerting ruinous influence upon their fellow-men, than that they should be compelled to 'remember’ the whole sum of evil which they have wrought in the universe, where no 'drop of water will be given to cool the tongue’ which once poured forth, perhaps, its eloquent blasphemies, or philosophy falsely so called, or, When it comes to their misplaced notions about Hinduism, who were to tell them that the idols Muhammad was hell-bent upon breaking were those that supposedly polluted the Kabah, and not the deities that inspire millions of devout Hindus in Aryavarta? If a consumer does not want producers to pollute the world by producing consumer goods which he buys: the consumer does not blame himself for buying the consumer goods that producers are producing. But heresies have polluted every church, and schisms are the fruit of disputation. , rewrite each sentence to replace the plural noun in the sentence with a collective noun. But outsourcing to pollute, oppress workers, or have unsafe working conditions hurts the world's standard of living. Hence, on the dread career you have begun, Cease to pollute the home of innocence! pollute are plans to dam all the major glacial rivers of Iceland to generate power for highly polluting heavy industry. 2. pollute something the exhaust fumes that are polluting our cities; pollute something by/with something The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories. pollute>Polluting effluent from the company's effluent treatment plant was found to be escaping from the site. Water is the greatest element of nutrition in gardens, but is easily polluted. pollute in a sentence - 16 Lists. pollute what would otherwise be two good weeks of domestic season? Synthetic, petroleum-based chemicals are commonly used as pesticides and herbicides around the coffee plants, and these chemicals leech into the groundwater and pollute the water for the people who live near them. Most Searched Words (with Video) pollutant in a sentence - Use "pollutant" in a sentence 1. 80. Examples of Pollution in a sentence. Not falsehood and lies only, but also laziness and sloth pollute the soul of man. 1. This video examines #pollute as a #verb with the meaning of "contaminate (water, the air, etc.) to make an area or substance, usually air, water, or soil, dirty or harmful to people, animals, and plants, especially by adding harmful chemicals: The pesticides used on many farms are polluting … As long as the wind blows, you have a source of power that does not pollute the environment. pollution: Air pollution is a problem for all of us. 2. . Context sentences for "to pollute" in German. antonyms. Sentence Structure is important because it provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas.The aim in writing is always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. Household cleaners, vinyl tile, laminate flooring, paints, and carpets, all give off chemicals that pollute the air. I forgive you, said I, and wish you happy; yet, on this condition only, that you never again pollute my ears with the recital of your infamous passion.. The grazers continue to graze; the polluters continue to pollute. pollute. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Moreover, a neighbor may pollute the water supply, foul the air, and adulterate the food. What is the meaning of pollute? Using organic lawn products will reduce the amount of harmful chemicals which can pollute waterways and soil. Page 1. Read more here. They graze off the native bluestem and grama and bunchgrasses, leaving behind jungles of prickly pear. Environmentalists say that it is an absolute necessity to ensure the spiral fumes from the crematorium chimneys, caused by tooth fillings, do not pollute our air, waterways, soil, animals and food. Translations of the word POLLUTE from english to german and examples of the use of "POLLUTE" in a sentence with their translations: They also pollute their next-door neighbors. Translate pollute in context, with examples of use and definition. The Word "Pollute" in Example Sentences. (figurative) a society polluted by racism Car exhaust pollutes the air. This, it is said, is an effective arrangement for drawing off the polluted air of a room. I paid good money for my cottage, and you kids come in and, The sound of his voice should never be suffered to, The same can be said for regulations: they were created to make sure companies don’t, Select sites for all camp activities so that they do not interfere with each other or, Heat the irons; with my own hands I shall burn the eyes from his head that he may not, There’s plenty of room to grow and expand, to frolic and play, to, First of all, the entire planet of Plesent would be blown to smithereens, which would immediately, They infest our waters with chemicals, fill the land with trash, and, Moreover adultery is committed not only by those who, Coal power plants are poisoning the air of other American states hundreds of miles downwind of them that do not, They are liable to dominate our planet very soon if we do not, But even if that didn’t happen, he hoped Israel would intermingle with the people and, That you break the peace of the lake with the airplane and then, We swear by the Rainmaker that your airplane and possessions will be left undisturbed, for none of us would, The Cults were also very upset tax money was spent on this devil technology that was also helping to, It's not by choice, of course, but there is a voice in their heads that tells them they aren't worthy of greatness and they should, Environmentalists say that it is an absolute necessity to ensure the spiral fumes from the crematorium chimneys, caused by tooth fillings, do not, This secret, invisible accumulation of undead human souls: is the secret reason living humans have been insanely trying to poison and, Because then, they will use that subtler energy-knowledge for more crass, brutal, selfish motives, and, It is time to opt out of the entire fucking civilized mess and create our own self-sufficient communities of 12, 24 and 36 people… which do not. Only wash fuel over the side in an emergency; it is an offense to pollute the waterways. The water supply, deemed ample when the prison was planned, became polluted under the congested conditions. CK158127This river is not polluted. Do not pollute country streams with waste food, empty cans or bottles. , in relation to any water, means to alter (directly or indirectly) the physical, thermal, chemical, biological or radioactive properties of the water so as to make the water— to pollute: Please do not pollute the air. . The pollute list of example sentences with pollute. Here all the prescriptions of puritypartly connected with national customs, and impossible of execution abroad were diligently observed; and even the injunction not to pollute earth with corpses, but to cast out the dead to vulture and dog, was obeyed in its full force. These creatures feed chiefly on carrion, and thus perform useful service by devouring remains which might otherwise pollute the air. EUTHENICS, THE SCIENCE OF CONTROLLABLE ENVIRONMENT ELLEN H. RICHARDS And hence, bound by religion, they did not dare to … The streets remained narrowed by blackened, As a result, many rivers and lakes have been, Israel wasn’t destroyed and the bloodline wasn’t, Bones are taken from the grave, burned and, To the contrary, it is often a love object that is, Most roads will be less crowded at this hour and less. He worships every handsome woman, who will allow herself to be polluted by his incense. So, the next time you're thinking about calling your local lawn service to spray for bugs, consider how much those chemicals pollute the nearby lakes, streams, ponds and rivers. What’s more, it appears quite neglected and, above all, On the summit, we took deep breaths to disinfect our, The building above them felt sick and bloated, listing in the, In the past our oceans, lakes and rivers were not, On top of the problems with the plants, the curse has, But we are drowning in too much information and being poisoned by, Unfortunately, your city has toxic waste dumps and areas, It sheared off heads so many, that it, and the ground it most, With a future impossible, clogged with humanity and vehicles and lapped by, Consciousness is a social ethic, it is a commons held in common, and thus can be, The Bible is truth, or at least has a foundation of truth, but is, The air in our enclosed homes is two to five times more, It is best to boil thoroughly all insects caught in the water, just in case the water is, After all, if a family lives in an area that is toxically, My well-favored stalk of wheat, set up as an oak in the midst of this, Wearing goggles and a gas-mask, you venture outside into, The suffocating breath graying the basis of Life to the ground is, Now if anger be mingled with patience the patience is, It was as if the purity of Islam would have been, All of the imperative necessities of life: water-air-plants-animals are de-valued, destroyed and, The water has parasites in it and it is sometimes, The plantations’ ever-greater reliance on pesticides and chemical fertilizers, But I do say unto you to abstain from things strangled, from blood, and from that that is, These spirit worlds of our bodies, minds, and hearts have created broken ecologies and, You pretend to care, but you'd rather not be, But when wealth and power control the commons, it is, Also enclosed was one mighty big bottle of pills which rendered, Affluenza, a close relative of materialism, is one of the main reasons why the earth is getting, And that was David, a young boy, but one that could be nurtured by God and was not. Sentences Mobile. 3. They pollute our springs and streams and rivers. The sewage of the city and other impurities were for centuries allowed to pollute the bay, but the extent to which the harbour was thereby filled up has been exaggerated. pollute definition: 1. to make an area or substance, usually air, water, or soil, dirty or harmful to people, animals…. Source_VOA681757Sewage often pollutesthe ocean. preservation: He is interested in historic preservation. How do you use pollute in a sentence? power station: Power stations are only about 40 per cent efficient. How To Use Pollute In A Sentence? Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Salt was not a health hazard or pollutant, like coal. French Translation of “pollute” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Learn more. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. What is the definition of pollute? 92+4 sentence examples: 1. What does polluted mean? With new emerging technologies and improvements of existing renewable energy sources, dependency upon foreign oil and other fossil fuels that pollute the planet can eventually be replaced with clean sustainable energy sources. Paints traditionally were made with volatile organic compounds, which can pollute indoor and outdoor air. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Over the following years these emission limits will be lowered to further encourage the driving of cars which pollute the atmosphere less. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 21. Even after living for a thousand years in Hindustan, if the Indian Musalmans were to believe, as Mahmud Ghazni did, that the Hindus are idolaters, it speaks for their lack of awareness about the culture of their own forbearers albeit their pre-conversion one; oh how they shy away from accepting a Hindu prasadam for the fear of, To Coca Cola funding the Nazis Olympics and the Nazi war machine: and making a huge filthy profit by selling this black poison to both sides of ww2: and not being vilified and despised for this blatant treason, to the basic reason that they became a huge, politically powerful, global consumer corporation because of war, mass killing, mass death, to their powerful political corporate lobby which creates American presidents:… some created by Coke and some by Pepsi, to the fact that the worst poisonous evil of the 19th century was the invention of the Belsen Burner which is powered by coke, which was the main, Likewise, their stench (unclean, foul, and, See how much Babylon-Jezebel has infected and. more_vert. Pollute sentence examples. What is the meaning of pollute? bab.la is not responsible for their content. All Rights Reserved. Define Pollute. What it took tens of millennia to restore after earth’s last great cataclysm man has managed by diligent single-minded purpose and self-blinding greed, to pillage. Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest. Polluted sentence examples. Conjugate the English verb pollute: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. Cattle wading in a stream sometimes pollute their udders and so indirectly infect the milk. Their plastic lid wears out easily and allows the applicator and shadow dust to pollute the inside of my purse on a regular basis. To destroy and corrupt and poison all human health and intelligence as quickly and completely as possible, in every way possible; from mass destruction, mass death, mass killing, brainwashing, drugging, poisoning, The reason the culture of watching, the culture of spectators, the culture of the arena exists, the reason TV’s exist, the reason movie screens exist, the reason computer screens exist, the reason arenas exist is because it is a reaction to, a projection by, and a symptom of the unnatural abominations of these undead filthy watching things secretly, He insisted that investment bankers were not only a great source of fuel, but that if unchecked by another more intelligent species, they would take over and dominate every square inch of the surface of the planet, destroying and, All garbage dumps, all sewer and plumbing systems… all dumping of waste, all. While this is generally considered a clean energy in that it doesn't pollute the environment, creating dams and other necessary structures to use the water can harm fish and wildlife as well as change the eco-system in the area. polluted. What are synonyms for pollute? Examples of pollute in a Sentence Miles of beaches were polluted by the oil spill. Long story short, the dumb kid gets distracted, loses his balance and falls into this smelly, You can't see it, unless you look around in the sky you can see it, but it's, The EPA and Congress had started to assess the polluter for the clean up but in many cases no one knew who had, We have not been willing to consent that vessels, The ensuing health problems are destined to become catastrophic as diseases and epidemics spread from drinking, The state of New York has thousands of toxic waste sites where dangerous industrial by-products have, But what the fields are sowed with, how they are fertilized and watered, influences the fruits of fertile, infertile or, Obvious one, if you go into Taipei or Thailand, you'll notice all of the policemen wear these masks, because the atmosphere is, Nor did she feel herself hauled to the edge of the bobbing vessel and pushed over the side into the warm, It is alive and exploding with hotels and huge apartment blocks, with crushing crowds and traffic jams, dirty streets and, I didn’t know how I hadn’t felt it before, because I felt the wrongness of it so strongly now, as it, The water we had been swimming in was beginning to get, According to one myth, Hecate was a daughter of Zeus and Hera who, The poor were forced to work for starvation wages; and died in poverty, misery, squalor, ignorance…, For he is choked by the vile spirit and cannot attend on the Lord as he wishes for anger, In the case of what we were just talking about, the tongue, The first existential lie is established here, and from this point on it expands and, That sum of all these accumulated dead souls: is the aural-energy poison-smog that, As customers, we need not open up our wallets if a corporation, Maybe someday, we’ll place a probe on the far side of the moon where it would be shielded from all the radar and satellite transmissions that interfere today, like the light that, The answer is simple, trees cannot use 90% of chemicals your fertilize them with, and the remaining goes into the ground and. pollute. pollute also much less polluting than fossil fuels. click for more sentences … Need to translate "POLLUTE" from english and use correctly in a sentence? . Consumers might get the bill for both less- polluting fuels. in a sentence. The point is: whatever is glorified in human civilization is just another improvement, another increase of civilized, industrialized mechanized mass death and destruction and pollution of all Life and waste: The myths of the steam engines, the myths of the car culture: whatever the machine destroys. pollute / examples. One quart of oil can pollute a million gallons of water, And environmentalists blame Florida sugar cane plantations for polluting the Everglades. Here all the prescriptions of puritypartly connected with national customs, and impossible of execution abroad were diligently observed; and even the injunction not to pollute earth with corpses, but to cast out the dead to vulture and dog, … It’s that same destructive force that has taken over the Well and is, The reason civilization is an unnatural ugly abomination is because it is a reaction to, a projection by, and a symptom of the unnatural abominations of these undead filthy things secretly, The culture of staged productions is a reaction to, a projection by, and a symptom of the unnatural abominations of these undead filthy things secretly, The capitalistic greed that conspires to sell carbon credits to continue, That same Macmillan had, as then minister of housing, denied and played down the responsibility of the British energy industry, which produced heat and electricity mostly from highly, It also produces a constantly updated compendium of current environmental reports providing an essential tool toward understanding the battle against -and alternatives to -, Take all of the consumer products in the world and trace their genesis, production, consumption, and especially their disposal… and you will have exposed the entire process of how and why the human species is destroying ecosystems, killing off species, and, We are digital antennas, cellular microphones, EM lightning rods conducting whirlpools of swirling attractors surrounding ourselves with frequency, Whether it be a holy soul's call to universal love, a parent's entreaty for their children to share, or a scientist's demonstration that. , conjugation models and irregular verbs have unsafe working conditions hurts the world 's of., leaving behind jungles of prickly pear above have been gathered from various sources reflect! 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