2. This time lose the gate around the putter and create a narrow path with golf balls down the line. When you set up to address the ball you should always keep the clubface neutral. My right shoulder’s feeling like it’s kind of tucking under also, and that’s going to keep everything nice and square. Then I’m going to go ahead and put hat box there, and I’m going to hi about 100 shots making sure I’m coming inside out. While anyone but accomplished Tour players could benefit from my instruction... ...Our typical member desires to get down to a near scratch handicap... ...Is tired of all the "quick fix" junk in the market... ...And also doesn't want to be overwhelmed with every detail on the planet. It certainly seems logical that if a golfer is missing often to the left, … THREE TIPS TO STOP HOOKING YOUR DRIVER AND HITTING THE BALL STRAIGHT 1. My face stays square all the way through contact. Simple drill to stop pulling golf shots. If you hook the ball regularly, you probably have a large tab for new golf balls. Grip - so to prevent those hooks, we want to reverse the entire process for curing a slice. Spine Angle Analysis of P.G.A Tour Players at setup and Impact. Practice drills # 1 – Stop hooking with a Golf driver Practice drills can definitely help you stop hooking with a driver. Support and Feedback: Thank you so much and keep up the excellent work, Mr. Clay. I’m going to tilt this box a little bit more out to the right, just like that. You'll learn not to slide and to make a better turn through. Watch this video now to stop hooking and blast your shots straight down the fairways! Paul Azinger thoughts on Pulling the ball or Pull Hooks '' When players are hooking or pulling it usually down to excessive face rotation through impact''. Watch this video now to discover a little trick with your elbow to ensure you stop the pull hook and swing more from the inside! 3. When they start their downswing, they’re going to have their elbow coming in to their side. We’ll be using a box to help you with these drills. Stop hooking the golf ball with Meandmygolf PGA Professionals Piers Ward and Andy Proudman. How To Stop Hooking The Golf Ball - Golf Fix | Golf Channel 1.1 Never Hook Again | Difference Between a Pull Hook and a Snap Hook, 1.2 Eliminate Pull Hooks by Fixing Your Hips, 1.4 Stop Snap Hooking | Stay in Posture to Hit Straight, 1.5 Hit Laser-Straight Shots | Left Hand Leads, Insert details about how the information is going to be processed. http://www.facebook.com/meandmygolfhttp://www.twitter.com/memygolf In one week of watching the videos in your system, my swing is better than ever! You need to work on different aspects of your swing and stance to stop hooking the golf ball. But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you ! It may seem overly simple, but trust me: When my … So now if I start to swing over the top and get that elbow out, roll the face, I’m going to smack right into this box. The Only 5 Golf Swing Pieces That Really Matter, If you’re ready to stop pull hooking your golf shots…. In the first video we got your body in a good position to get more inside out, to start swinging a bit more to the right. I’ve got to make sure that I get my body behind the ball, keep that elbow in, and then hit that nice draw. It’s going to teach you how to get the feedback you require to fix your elbow position. Hooks are big benders that take a sharp detour to the left if you are a right-handed player. Video Duration: 4:23 The dreaded golf hook – a ball that can start any direction, but curves dramatically to the left (for a right-hander) – often into the trees or out of bounds. If you suffer more with a slice that goes to the right, READ THIS instead. Annabel Rolley shares a simple drill for people struggling with the dreaded shank. Posture is conditioning yourself to hitting the ball correctly. Golf tips: Hook-proof your swing in 30 seconds ... You need to get steeper so you can attack the ball on a more neutral path and with the clubhead descending into impact. 3) Ball Gate. Clicking the button above means I protect your email, and you accept my Terms of Use. To recap, the pull hook is when my club is moving over the top, right to left across the target. Usually, when I’m pull hooking, is what’s happening here is I’m coming over the top swinging from right to left across the ball and my elbow is coming out away from my body and it’s really turning the face down. Azinger: Top Three Drills to Stop a Hook . That’s going to really help it out. That’s very different than that elbow coming out, and me closing this club face down. We’re talking about the pull hook again today. It can also help us to bend a shot around an obstruction. However, there's a whole other side of golfers who hook the ball severely and can't stop hooking it, and don't understand why. Again, if I start to come over the top, immediate feedback I’m going to smack right into that box. If you are having trouble with pulling the golf ball then give this drill a try. Props: Smash bags and alignment sticks can help you in some drills to stop hooking the golf ball. Imagine this club face is my right palm. membership@topspeedgolf.com If you're hitting a bad left hook, chances are you're aiming to the right of the target, … Here’s … Paul Azinger played his whole career with an extremely strong grip and closed club face position at the top of his swing. 2. A radically closed clubface -- one that points to the left of a right hander’s target -- causes the ball to spin low and left, running hard toward trouble. School of Golf hosts Martin Hall and Blair O'Neal teach how to stop the hook like two-time … How to STOP HOOKING the Golf Ball [Drill Included] - YouTube Read on. 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Look at the way the clubface is angled behind the ball at the target line. So I’m going to go ahead first couple times I’m going to do about 100 practice swings getting my body and elbow, my shoulder under. So that would be a straight ahead shot, matching up with my alignment stick. You don’t have to have fancy training aids all the time, just a simple box laying around your house can help you to improve your game. For online coaching from Eric visit http://www.cogornogolf.com **Here’s the link to - seriously! 1. Take your address position, place that club across your shoulders. has a drill to show you how to stop hooking the golf ball. So my right elbow in, my right shoulder in, and all that’s going to stay nice and square. The Stance and Hook Shots. If you're a player who tends to hit a hook, first count yourself fortunate. What I want to do to give you some good feedback, is let’s imagine this is straight ahead and I’m going to go ahead and hit some balls right beside this box. This drill helps to hone in … Tagged With: box drill, cardboard box, elbow movement, tuck elbow. When he learnt how to hit a power fade using a more open shoulder position at impact and reducing the amount of face rotation through the ball he became a very successful player winning twelve P.G.A tour events and the P.G.A Championship. In this video, you’ll see the science behind the pull hook and examine what your club is doing in the downswing and through contact. 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''Practice with a double overlap Jim Furyk grip, this takes the right hand out of the swing.'' Instruction. All the top pros do something crucial with their trail elbows in the downswing…. I even overdid that a little bit and a little bit of a fade on there. Watch this video now to discover a little trick with your elbow to ensure you stop the pull hook and swing more from the inside! Membership Signup: See how my club face is closing down, so I’m over the top, turning the face down with my hands, really rotating the face hard and I really can’t get the momentum of the club to release and turn itself over. GCA: Drill to stop shanking the ball… Take a Proper Stance for Golf. Golf Pros Featured: Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard . Once again start realistically. Of these, the easiest to correct is the angle of your clubhead face. To practice the drill you will need the following: Two alignment rods - one on the ground just outside the ball and another in the ground just inside the target line and 18-24 inches forward of the ball. Here's a drill: Take a narrow stance, and hit drivers at 75 percent. ''Hit balls letting go at impact with your right hand, often the club face closes at impact due to the right arm dominating too much.'' Feel the knuckles of the lead hand point to sky at impact as the chest keeps moving through. Now once I’ve done that a few times, let’s go ahead and take a box you get your golf balls in, and let’s go ahead and set that down. Really growing to be the best golf instruction anyway, and trust me I’ve listened to them all…, Thanks heaps Clay, you just gave me the missing piece to my golf swing…. Elite golf coach Dan Whittaker takes us through a few simple tips and explains how to stop hooking the ball with your driver You’ve hopefully watched my video on how to generate more power with your driver. 1. ''Hit balls letting go at impact with your right hand, often the club face closes at impact due to the right arm dominating too much.''. Be sure that the one in the ground is leaning away from you (towards the target). 1-888-730-7557 ext. I think I can even get better as I continue to go completely through the Top Speed system, but my swing is extremely solid right now. Paul Azinger thoughts on Pulling the ball or Pull Hooks '' When players are hooking or pulling it usually down to excessive face rotation through impact''. Michael Breed, host of ?The Golf Fix? Thanks again! Dropped my box here, we’ll get to that in a second. But my club is moving from right to left, I’m coming over the top, and I’m closing down that face to get that ball to hook. For a shot to produce a lot of side spin the clubface must hit the ball with an angle that is anything but square to the club path. You are the best instructor I’ve ever seen both in golf and tennis. In today’s video we’re going to talk about the hands and arms, what are they doing? David Leadbetter helps viewer Dave stop hooking the ball off the tee. While a hook usually travels farther than a slice, that is a mixed blessing, because the hook is more likely to dive deep into the woods or the sand or out of bounds. You’ll also get a few tips on how to eliminate that awful hook for good. Pressure Shift. In this grip the ring finger overlaps the index finger of the opposite hand with two fingers overlapping the other hand instead of the usual one. Butch Harmon is a Golf Digest Teaching Professional. Just think of how much fun it will be having them as part of the community. I talk about pressure shift a lot. Golf Distillery / Shot Errors / Pull Shots – How to Stop Pulling Golf Balls Left Pull Shots – How to Stop Pulling Golf Balls Left In golf a pull – or a pulled shot – is one that sees the ball starting left of the target initially and continuing on straight that line, without lateral spin. has a drill to show you how to stop hooking the golf ball. I’m going to feel like my club face comes in nice and square through contact. For the most golfers, there's only two really common ways that you're going to hook the ball. I’m going to feel that as I hit this shot. The silliest mistake can be causing the hook. Spin is only a bad thing if it’s spinning in an unintended direction. Spin helps create lift on the golf ball and it can help us to stop the ball on the green where we want it to be. What's Covered: How the elbow being tucked can help you stop pull hooking. Michael Breed, host of ?The Golf Fix? support@topspeedgolf.com Video: Drill to stop shanking the golf ball. Hookers tend to align themselves to the right of target because … That club’s going to be nice and shallow coming from the inside here, and then they’re going to release out in front of them. Now again, I’m going to try to swing a little bit out to the right, with a nice, stable face. Welcome back to The Hook series, time to get rid of the hook once and for all. There we go, so nice and straight little draw right down the middle of the fairway, and I’ve got that box there to give me some good feedback. Trying to lift the ball. Tommy Armour - 6 Distinguishing Features of Great Players. Become a hero by telling your friends about our instruction! Another very good video, the way you emphasize and prove things really helps for the concept to stick with the listener. For those golfers who don’t understand how to get the ball in the air, there … Submit Ticket. If your set-up is closed and aligned right of target, your swing will be too much from the inside and … Stop aligning to the right of target. I could let it roll a little bit more if I start to fade a couple. Hi, guys. There we go, that ball started a little bit to the right. What's Covered: How the elbow being tucked can help you stop pull hooking. If I imagine my shirt seam, right here in the side of my shirt, I want my elbow to go in front of that shirt seam and be pretty close into my side as I start my downswing. So a great key for this, we’ve got to get our elbow in with our body. You’ll see that all the top players, all the top pros are doing this. So if we take a look at the top players, let’s take a look at Adam Scott, Ben Hogan, Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, any of the guys you really like. Clubface. Here’s what I want you to do for this drill. I’m going to let it roll on down the fairway. Yep, your elbow movement’s helping to cause your pull hooks. Golf … I don’t want to feel like the toe is rolling on over, my right shoulder and my elbow aren’t doing this to close the club face. As you make that downswing, if your elbow’s flying out and you’re rotating this club down, rotating that club closed, what I want you to feel like you’re doing is as you start your downswing, your right elbow starts to tuck in in front of your right side. Test it out at the golf driving range next time you visit and you’ll see almost instantly improved ball striking. Just like I’m tossing a ball straight down the fairway rather than letting that come this way and putting some spin on it. If you feel your club face is closing too much at impact why not give Paul Azinger drills ago. Or in other words, the clubface must not be perpendicular to the direction of the club at impact in order to produce some side spin.Specifically and for a I want to ensure that I’m going to swing a little bit inside out, because I know I’m coming over the top as we talked about in the pull hook. Then I’m going to have this club face, my elbow inside, and that’s going to feel like my club face is coming square through contact. Alignment. Want to know how to fix a golf hook? We’re going to start out with just some little mini shots, and again, I’m going to get my body tilted so that I can swing a little bit more inside out, little bit more to the right. A hook can be a result of anything from a closed clubface, improperly fitted equipment, or the path of your clubhead at impact. And I want to talk about that today because it's a very simple thing to understand and fix when you understand what's causing it. Click for Sharing Options! To avoid hooking the ball off the tee, all-time golf great Jack Nicklaus recommends playing a controlled fade, a shot which moves from left to right. Copyright © 2015–2020 TopSpeedGolf.com | About | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Video: Golf tips stop hooking the ball with your driver. Learn tips and drills for straighter tee shots. A ball straight 1 driving range next time you visit and you ’ ll also a! In nice and square through contact right shoulder’s feeling like it’s kind of tucking under also and! Week of watching the videos in your system, my right shoulder’s feeling it’s... First count yourself fortunate of the hook series, time to get the feedback require... Good video, the easiest to correct is the angle of your swing and stance to hooking. Talk about the hands and arms, what are they doing to hone in … video: drill stop. Only a bad thing if it ’ s helping to cause your pull.! 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