By junior and senior year you should be looking to take three or four AP classes. For highly selective schools such as Ivy League schools, Stanford, and public universities like UCLA and UC Berkeley, it's common for accepted applicants to take about eight AP classes throughout high school, though that number can range from five to 13. Selective Schools (Ranked in the Top 100, with 20-50% acceptance rates): You likely need AP classes in most or some core subject areas, plus one or two additional courses. Still, many students who apply to Ivy League schools take five or six AP courses senior year. If you play sports or are in a number of clubs, taking an excessive amount of AP classes could overload your schedule. How many AP classes should I take for UCLA? From a pragmatic view, taking more AP classes will get you out of taking more classes. If you still wish to know, then search online or on this/other fora to see if this question had been asked, or ask in the Stanford subforum - current Stanford students might have a better idea. Many AP classes in the social sciences can be applied to first-year courses you'll take as a freshman in college. Junior year, if you're hoping to attend an Ivy League school, you should consider taking three to five AP classes in core subject areas. Generally, you'll want to take either 3 or 4 main academic classes each quarter, depending on what they are. For highly selective schools such as Ivy League schools, Stanford, and public universities like UCLA and UC Berkeley, it's common for accepted applicants to take about eight AP classes throughout high school, though that number can range from five to 13. But there is no magic answer but for elite elite schools ie HYPSM etc you generally want to take as many as feasible ideally 60% of all offered APs and that includes ones that you shouldn't take suh as AP Music as a STEM applicant or AP Spanish and AP german. 1-2 unit courses are excellent ways to explore, but piling up too many can complicate your schedule. Last year, the average grade point average of an accepted freshman applicant at UCLA was 4.34 - well above the former gold-standard 4.0 for… Read more Exams are graded on a 1-5 system with 3 being passing and a 4 or 5 showing mastery of the material. The maximum number of academic units a first-quarter frosh may enroll in is 20. Here are a few things to remember as you plan your Stanford course load with AP® results in mind: • Stanford accepts AP® scores of 3,4, & 5 for course credit. Once your student enters sophomore year, however, they can usually start to take AP classes. Unless you're applying to the most selective universities, 4 to 5 AP courses over your high school years is more than enough. The students who thrive at Stanford are those who are genuinely excited about learning, not necessarily those who take every single AP or IB, Honors or Accelerated class just because it has that designation. Stressful AP courses - a push for a cap By Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle Perfect isn't good enough when it comes to getting into some of the country's top colleges. For example, if you get a 4 or 5 on the AP Literature and Composition exam in high school, you can get credit for an English 101 course in college (or the equivalent). For students applying to the most selective colleges, you might need 7-12. Stanford University accepts 1.15% transfer applicants, which is competitive. Remember that it's better to take a few AP classes and succeed as opposed to taking to many and failing. This will end up being between 4 and 8 AP courses. Above I explained that you should aim to take 7-14 AP classes if you hope to be admitted to an Ivy League school. eight AP classes. There are exceptions to this, please don't freak out if your school doesn't offer 9 AP's. Avoid overloading yourself too much during your senior year because you'll be applying to college. How many AP classes and which ones are important to take before I end my junior year in order to be accepted at Stanford? Beside above, how many AP classes should I take to get into Stanford? While Harvard does not set a hard-and-fast rule for AP coursework, the average incoming Harvard student has taken eight AP classes. How many AP classes should I take? You should dip your toes into at least 2 of the 5 . For example, if you get a 4 or 5 on the AP Literature and Composition exam in high school, you can get credit for an English 101 course in college (or the equivalent). But you can take AP exams even if you did not take an AP course. If your school offers 5 or 6, you should probably take all of them. Each test costs as much as $100 to take. This will end up being between 4 and 8 AP courses. If you take 4 AP classes at once, but earn Cs in 3 of them, you will not impress an admissions committee. Many schools limit the number of honors/AP courses a student can take in grades 8-10 so this calculation might end up looking like this: 1-2-3-4-5. Schools Show details . How Many Online Courses Should You Take Each Semester . Answer (1 of 15): Whoop-de-doo. Going up the selectivity chain, the average at Harvard is eight AP classes. Most students don't take AP classes during their freshman year. On APs. Or less, but with higher scores? In fact, many high schools don't offer AP courses for freshmen as they have enough on their plate during their first year what with getting used to the new high school environment. The College Board now offers almost 40 AP subject areas each year. For Ivies and other top 30 schools, aim for 8-12 or more, if feasible. Edit: I just checked and the numbers of AP classes are quite a lot, about 19 (18 if you don't count AP Spanish) I think but still, in my school, we can only take AP at junior and we have 6 classes so in those 2 years how many should I take (I am not very confident if I can take all 6 AP classes/year) Many colleges will offer college level credit for a score of 4 or 5 on an AP exam. How Many AP Classes Should I Take In Sophomore Year . In addition, you will need to submit standardized test scores. How Many Students Take Ap Classes? When applying to universities in the US, Advanced Placement courses and strong AP test scores can provide a significant advantage — especially if your sights are set on the Ivy League or similarly competitive schools. Beside above, how many AP classes should I take to get into Stanford? For these schools, often large state research universities or small liberal arts colleges, a minimum of 4 AP® classes should do the trick, as long as you excel in them. You're taking sooooo many AP classes but you're not going to get any college credit for them. 5 hours ago B. You must submit all transcripts to our admissions office, 1147 Murphy Hall, Box 951436, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1436. But if your school offers 10+, you may want to exercise some discretion. Most full-semester undergraduate courses are 3 credit hours. Accelerating to graduate from college early really doesn't help you especially if you're going to one of these elite schools. Senior Year: Take more APs in core subjects and additional subjects, again being careful not to overburden your schedule and to leave time for college applications. Still, many students who apply to Ivy League schools take five or six AP courses senior year. Study Show details . How many AP classes should I take for Stanford? If you're interested in a state school .